In recent year the LGBT community has been a big topic amongst social movements. For those that don't know the LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. In 2015 gay marriage legalized nationwide. LGBT movements have been a big topic for a number of reasons one of the being gays have struggled for many years getting equal rights. The marginalization in the four dangers of leading would be that homosexuals have always been looked down on because of conservative beliefs in past generations. The groups that have tried to thwart their efforts by protesting are usually ultra-religious christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin. In this case there have not only been verbal attacks but also physical attacks on the LGBT community. The reason why people were resistant to change was because they felt there beliefs were being jeopardized by the LGBT movement. LGBT succumbed these efforts by continuing to protest equal rights and showing standing for there cause. After many years there goal finally was achieved when gay marriage was legalized in 2015. The LGBT community is still actively trying to stand up for there beliefs today. 

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