Tom Brady First Blog Post

I think Brady also leads by his actions as well because he has never had any off-field problems and I think that has had a positive effect on his teammates. 
         Tom Brady maintains his followers by always performing well in pressure situations because of this his followers always have confidence that he is going to perform well in tough situations. His teammates always have faith in him when the game is on the line and this is a result due to his resume. I think one of the reason’s Tom Brady is so good is because he is mentally tough. If you are mentally tough in pressure situations I believe that helps tremendously. I have always looked up to him because of not only his accomplishments but the fact that he is a great teammate as well. He is a high character guy unlike a lot of other famous athletes who only care about themselves and not their team or winning. I think when you start to put your team first instead of yourself that’s when you start to have success and from then on it is easy to achieve your teammates trust because they believe you truly care about the team first. 
         One thing I hope to gain from watching Tom Brady play over these years is his commitment to his team. He has always been committed to his team and has always done what’s best for his team and I find that very cool. I feel like if I could become less self-less and more about my team it could help me in so many ways and would make me become a better teammate and better person. 
         I have always been a relatively quiet person so being a vocal leader is not an easy task. I believe if I could lead by example that could really be a good one to become a leader since I am not the most vocal person out there. I think the best of both worlds is being a vocal leader and being able to lead by example. If I could become these things I think it will make me a better teammate and a better person.


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