Gun Control

Gun Control

On February 14th, 2018 The largest high school shooting took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Gun Control has been a big topic for many years since it seems like there has been an increase in violence in recent years but it has been a even bigger topic since this school shooting took place. Systematic ethics is used in many different situations here because morally people think that gun should be banned because of the violence that goes on with them but then people also feel that it is morally wrong the go against the 2nd amendment. Personally I believe there should be bans on weapons such as AR-15s. If you look at almost all of the mass shootings all of the perpetrators used AR-15s. I think if we put a ban on these weapons it will help create a much safer world. I feel like the reason why some people are scared to put restrictions on guns is because they feel like it is morally incorrect when in fact it is the complete opposite.

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